[攝影] 攝影展 | 2013 第九屆 員林國際攝影藝術展覽 (9 th YUANLIN INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION OF PHOTOGRAPHY 2013)

  2013 第九屆 員林國際攝影藝術展覽
  展出地點: 510 彰化縣員林鎮三民街2-1號 (員林美術館 B1)
  展出時間: 2014年1月1日 - 2014年1月19日

  今天在員林美術館參加了一場攝影展的開幕式 - 員林國際攝影藝術展,現場邀請了員林社大的小提琴的學生到場演奏,好不熱鬧!


  2014年1月1日 - 2014年1月19日 (每日上午8:30 - 12:00  下午 13:30-17:00 逢周一休館)



  員林鎮長 張錦昆 致詞。

  社大校長 汪銘泉 致詞。

  展覽總主席 顧敏勝 致詞。

  這就是我們敬愛的江老師啦.. XD


  台灣的國旗當然要大力的給它擺下去。  .. XD



  這個是參加開幕式可以領取秘密禮物的號碼牌啦..XD (這也是來參加開幕式的目的之一,噓...)

pixnet 吉野貓: 【攝影】員林美術館。2013 員林國際攝影展
blogger 吉野貓: 【攝影】攝影展。9 th YUANLIN INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION OF PHOTOGRAPHY 2013 員林國際攝影展於員林美術館展出 展出時間: 2014 1.1 至 2014.1.19

2013 年 第九屆員林國際攝影藝術展覽

主辦單位: 員林鎮公所 Organized by Yuanlin Township Office
協辦單位: 彰化縣文化局 Co-sponsored by Changhua County Cultural Affairs Bureau
承辦單位: 員林社會大學 Executed by Yuanlin Community College & YCCP Taiwan

官方網站: 員林國際攝影藝術展覽

2013 年員林國際攝影藝術展覽簡章

一、 由員林鎮公所主辦,彰化縣文化局協辦,員林社會大學承辦之 2013 年員林國際攝影藝術展覽,將於 2014年 1 月 1 日至 16 日在員林美術館展覽廳、並於 2 月 26 日至 3 月 9 日在彰化縣文化局大廳舉行,熱忱邀請世 界各地愛好攝影的人士參加。
二、 本展覽分為 1.彩色-自由題材組、2.黑白-自由題材組 這二組不接受自然生態及野生生物的作品…、3.一般 自然組和 4.野生生物組,每人每組最多參加四張。僅接受數位影像檔案參加展覽。
三、 本展覽遵照美國攝影學會(PSA)及國際攝影藝術ˇ盟(FIAP)所訂之規則與條例辦理。
四、 所有入選作品將列入美國攝影學會的 名家和 星級統計及國際攝影藝術ˇ盟的榮譽統計。
五、 海外參加者參 加費一 組美 金$20,二 組$25,三組$30,四組$35。可利用 PayPal 付款,收款人: yccptaiwan@gmail.com。台灣各地參加者參加費一組新台幣 200 元,二組 250 元,三組 300 元,四組 350 元。 歡迎使用郵政劃撥付款,【帳號「00229585;戶名:江村雄‹】。費用包括精美彩色特刊一本及郵寄入選證、獎 牌及彩色特刊之航空郵資(台灣地區以平郵寄出)。未付足夠參加費用之作品,將不予評選。
六、 數位影像檔案,橫幅長邊設定為 1400 pixels,直幅長邊設定為 1050 pixels,色彩空間為 sRGB,並以 IBM-PC 壓縮檔案 JPEG 為準,檔案大小不超過 2MB,利用網路 http://www.yccp.com.tw 上傳,主辦單位對電腦讀取 有關影像檔案之錯誤,概不負責。
七、 所有作品必須是作者自己以攝影方式製作之影像。一經參賽作品版權仍屬作者所有,但主辦單位有權使用於展覽、目錄、網站及各種媒體等與展覽有關之處,不另致酬,作者不得異議。
八、 彩色組與黑白組不歡迎一般自然及野生生物等題材的作品。這類作品應參加一般自然組或野生生物組。
(一…)、PSA 對自然組攝影之定義:限使用攝影手法來描述各種自然現象,除人類學和考古學外使人能鑑別其主題並誠實正確的表達。畫面的故事敘述價值遠比畫意更為重要。除極少的人為因素能夠加強自然故事外,否則不應有人為因素。與科學有關的野生動物腳環、標幟、無線電項圈等是被接受的。人工雜交的植物或動物、裱裝的標本、明顯刻意安排或改變其真實性的攝影作品均無法接受。除剪裁外,不可增加或移除及重組影像內容。為顯現影像效果而不改變自然歷史及其內容所用的技術是可以的。所有調整均須出乎自然。彩色影像可以轉換成黑白影像,但紅外線不被允許。
(二…)、PSA 野生生物的定義是:生存在自由且不被限制的自然或棲息地上的一或多種生物。動物園或遊憩農場的動物或受控制的生物作品,不可角逐美國攝影學會野生生物獎牌或國際攝影藝術聯盟自然組獎牌。
(三…)、FIAP 對自然組攝影之定義:限在自然的棲息環境下,描述非馴養的動物、非耕作的植物、地質學和自然現象的多樣性,取材自昆蟲至冰山皆可。已馴養、關在籠內或任何型式限制下的動物和耕作性的植物都是不適合的。有極少數人類蹤跡的自然景物可被允許,例如倉鴞、已適應人類生活環境下的鸛,或自然的力量例如颶風、海嘯等。不論攝影的器材,作品都必須是作者自己的創作,對於作品的處理或修飾必須僅限於作品瑕疵下的潤飾,不能改變影像內容。符合以上的要求下,對於自然攝影的任何努力都在提昇作品最高的藝術性。
(四)、國際攝影藝術 盟特別獎
國際攝影藝術 盟特別獎本次比賽『最優秀作者獎』給獲得最多入選者。
十二.歡迎直接上網站 http://www.yccp.com.tw 參賽。參賽費可以在網站上以 PayPal 支付。
十三. 本所編印若干入選作品之精美彩色特刊,免費贈送參加者,一人一本。
十五.本會聯絡人為秘書長 何淑圭女士. 聯絡電郵: yccpyuanlin@yahoo.com.tw

官方網站: 員林國際攝影藝術展覽


1. We cordially invite you and photographers from all over the world to participate in the Yuanlin International Exhibition of Photography 2013 to be held at the Exhibition Gallery of the Yuanlin Fine Art Hall from Jan.1 - 16, 2014 in Yuanlin Township, Taiwan.
2. The exhibition contains four sections – 1.Color - Open Section, 2.Monochrome "A monochrome image is defined as having varying shades of no more than one color (various shades of that color from very light to very dark) but it may be any single color.
Multi-toned images (various shades of two or more colors) and grayscale images with an added accent color are not acceptable in Monochrome Class sections and must be entered in Color Class sections." Open Section, 3.Nature - Open Section, and 4.Nature - Wildlife Section. Each exhibitor may enter a maximum of four digital images for each section. Only digital images are accepted.
3. This exhibition will be conducted in conformity with the regulations of the PSA and the International Federation of Photographic Art (the FIAP).
4. Accepted and awarded images obtained in this exhibition will count towards PSA “Star Ratings” and “Who’s Who” and to the FIAP distinctions.
5. Entry fee is US$20 for 1section, $25 for 2sections, $30 for 3 sections and $35 for 4 sections. Payment can be made through PayPal or cash only.
The PayPal receiver is yccptaiwan@gmail.com. Personal check and postal money orders are not accepted. The entry fee includes the cost of an attractive color catalogue and the air postage of the catalogue, the acceptances and the awards. Entries received without the entry fee will not be judged.
6. The color space of the digital images is sRGB. Each image should be in JPEG format, 1400 pixels horizontal and 1050 pixels vertical, maximum size 2MB. They should be uploaded to our website: http://www.yccp.com.tw. The organizer will not be held responsible for computer errors in reading the images.
7. Entries must originate as photographs (image-captures of objects via light sensitivity) made by the entrant on photographic emulsion or acquired digitally. By virtue of submitting an entry, the entrant certifies the work as his own and permits the sponsors to reproduce all or part of the entered material free of charge for publication and/or display in media related to the exhibition. This may include low resolution posting on a website. The exhibition assumes no liability for any misuse of copyright.
8. The Color - Open Section and Monochrome – Open Section do not welcome Nature and Wildlife images. They should be entered to Nature or Wildlife Section.
9. Nature
a. PSA Nature Definition: Nature photography is restricted to the use of the photographic process to depict observations from all branches of natural history, except anthropology and archeology, in such a fashion that a well-informed person will be able to identify the subject material and to certify as to its honest presentation. The story telling value of a photograph must be weighed more than the pictorial quality while maintaining high technical quality. Human elements shall not be present, except where those human elements enhance the nature story. The presence of scientific bands, scientific tags or radio collars on wild animals is permissible. Photographs of artificially produced hybrid plants or animals, mounted specimens, or obviously set arrangements, are ineligible, as is any form of manipulation that alters the truth of the photographic statement. No techniques that add to, relocate, replace, or remove pictorial elements except by cropping are permitted. Techniques that enhance the presentation of the photograph without changing the nature story or the pictorial content are permitted. All adjustments must appear natural. Color images can
be converted to grayscale monochrome. Infrared images are not allowed.
b. Authentic Wildlife is defined as one or more organisms living free and unrestrained in a natural or adopted habitat. Titles of slides will not be read at the judging in any sections. No elements may be moved, cloned, added, deleted, rearranged or combined. No manipulation of modification is permitted except resizing, cropping, selective lightening or darkening, and restoration of original color of the scene. No special effect filters can be applied. Any sharpening must appear natural.
c. FIAP definition: Nature photography depicts living, untamed animals and uncultivated plants in a natural habitat, geology and the wide diversity of natural phenomena, from insects to icebergs. Photographs of cultivated plants, or animals which are domesticated caged or under any form of restraint, are ineligible. Minimal evidence of humans is acceptable, if this shows nature subjects, such as barn owls or storks, or natural forces, like hurricanes or tidal waves, adapting to or reclaiming an environment modified by humans. The original image must have been taken by the photographer, whatever photographic medium is used. Any manipulation or modification to the original image is limited to minor retouching of blemishes and must not alter the content of the original scene. After satisfying the above requirements, every effort should be made to use the highest level of artistic skill in all nature photographs.
10. Awards:
■SPECIAL AWARDS: The Mayor of Yuanlin Township awards two Gold Medals to Color - Open Section and Monochrome – Open Section. The Director-General of Changhua County Cultural Affairs Bureau awards two Gold Medals to Nature - Open Section and Nature - Wildlife Section.
1 Gold, 2 Silver, 3 Bronze medals and 6 Honorable Mentions for each section.
Each accepted image receives an “Acceptance Label”.
1 Gold, 1 Silver, 1 Bronze medals and 6 Honorable Mentions for each section.
1 Gold, 1 Silver, 1 Bronze medals and 6 Honorable Mentions for each section.
Acceptances are eligible for counting towards FIAP distinctions.
FIAP awards “The Best Author” for maximum acceptances of the show.
■ PRINCIPAL AWARDS: The Principal of Yuanlin Community College awards four Gold Medals (Principal GM) to each section.
11. While all possible care will be taken in handling the entries, no responsibilities can be accepted for the damage or loss of any entry.
12. We appreciate that you apply via our Website: http://www.yccp.com.tw, to upload your entry forms and works, and pay entry fees through PayPal to
13. A complimentary color catalogue, with selected accepted entries therein, will be sent to each entrant.
14. The exhibition is open to anyone; however, an entry may be rejected when the sponsoring organization or its agent, in its reasonable discretion, believes the entry does not conform to exhibition rules and conditions.
15. All corresponds should be made with Ms. Shu-Kua Ho, our Secretary General. Her email address is yccpyuanlin@yahoo.com.tw




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